Angeles Shooting Ranges
Rated 5 out of 5.0 based on 1 member reviews.
Address: 12651 Little Tujunga Canyon
Lake View Terrace, CA 91342
Range Type: Shotgun, Pistol, Rifle
Open every day regardless of the weather
Closed Christmas Day
Standard Time
Mon 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tue 9:00am - 5:00pm
Wed 9:00am - 9:00pm
Thu 9:00am - 5:00pm
Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sat 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sun 8:00am - 6:00pm
Daylight Savings Time
Tue 9:00am - 6:00pm
Wed 9:00am - 9:00pm
Thu 9:00am - 6:00pm
Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sat 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sun 8:00am - 6:00pm
Days Open: Monday - Sunday
Latitude: 34.30305 Longitude: -118.42194
Phone: 818 899-2255
Indoor: No
Outdoor: Yes
Maximum Distance: 600 yards
Firing Points: 0
Handguns Allowed: Yes
Rifles Allowed: Yes
Range Status: Open
Range Fee:
Regular Fees
Adults - $13.00 Mon thru Fri
$15.00 on Sat & Sun
Juniors (under 18 years) - $11.00
Members Fees
Adults $10.00 & Juniors - $7.00
Tuesdays Seniors 55+
Members $5.50 Non-Members $7.50
Wednesdays price after 4:30PM.
Members $5.00 Junior Members $3.00
Non-Members $6.50 Junior Non-Members $5.50
Thursday everyone 1/2 price ALL DAY.
Discounts for Police & Military Personnel.
Discounts for some gun store employees also.
Shooting clubs call for new rates.
NEW special rate for youth groups.
Range Rules:
Angeles Shooting Ranges, Inc.
Rules & Regulations
1. All persons going on the range must check in at the office and complete a "Release and Hold Harmless" form prior to entering the shooting ranges. Parents or Guardians (at least 18 years of age) must fill out the release form for any minors under the age of 18, one form per minor. No persons under four (4) years of age are allowed on any part of the shooting ranges. Shooters are responsible for their children and guests at all times, while on range property. Parents or guardians must be within arm's reach at all times of any minor children. Only two minors may shoot at one time per adult present.
2. Range fees are paid per shooter, at a flat rate per day. Visitors and guests do not have to pay, but must complete the Release a nd Hold Harmless form. They MAY NOT shoot or handle any firearms at any time.
3. Shirts and shoes are required to be worn on range property at all times. High necklines are recommended to avoid burns from hot ejected brass casings.
4. No firearms are permitted in the range office at any time. Exceptions are only made to law enforcement officers who display an ID or badge while on duty.
5. No concealed or holstered firearms are permitted unless carried by law enforcement, displaying their ID's or badges at all times. There is absolutely NO drawing or shooting from the holster on the public range.
6. Firearms with bayonets are permitted. Fixed bayonets must be sheathed during transport. All others must be collapsed or removed. NEVER carry any firearm with a bayonet extended.
7. NO alcohol or illegal drugs are allowed on the range property, including the parking lot or picnic area. If you exhibit any apparent or suspected impairment from drugs or alcohol, you will be asked to leave the property.
8. Paper targets depicting a recognizable image of anyone currently living or deceased are NOT allowed on the ranges at any time. Both pistol cardboard targets and free standing PVC targets require a deposit. DO NOT SHOOT at other customer's targets. DO NOT remove the cardboard from the free standing PVC targets and use them as pistol targets.
9. If shooting a 50 cal BMG or equivalent calibers (ie - 510 DTC, 416 Barrett) at the steel targets, you may utilize the red targets on the 600 yard range ONLY. You are restricted to firing from the last 10 benches of the 600 yard range. You may NOT fire these calibers from the black benches on the 100 yard range.
10.. No steel core, steel jacketed ,bi-metal rounds (bullets that stick to a magnet), armor-piercing or tracer ammunition are allowed on the range. All ammunition is subject to inspection by range staff members at any time or anywhere on the property in order to insure compliance to this rule. Confiscated ammo will be secured in the office to be returned to the shooter at the completion of their shooting day. Unclaimed ammo will be disposed of after five weeks.
11. No smoking is permitted in any area being utilized by black powder shooters or reloaders. 12. No animals are allowed on any of the ranges, with the exceptions of service dogs. DO NOT tie up your animal(s) in the picnic area. This is for your animal's safety. ASR WILL NOT be held responsible for what may happen to your animal should it escape from its tether, nor are animals to be left unattended in your automobile BY LAW.
13. If you are caught firing or damaging electrical lines or transformers, you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
14. Keep the range clean and safe. Pick up your brass after shooting and place them in the orange or white buckets secured to the poles that say B RASS ONLY. Shotgun hulls and trash are to be deposited in the large barrels at the rear bench.
15. The alleyways parallel to the 100 yard and 600 yard ranges are for unloading and loading ONLY.
You must have on hearing and eye protection during this process if the line is hot. The speed limit is 2 MPH and will be strictly enforced. 100 YARD and 600 YARD FIRING LINES
1. All persons, whether shooting or not during the shooting periods, MUST use EYE and HEARING protection while on the firing lines, to include using optical equipment (scopes and binoculars). Please remove your hearing protection during the cease fires in order to hear the Line Officer's instructions.
2. NEVER HAND A LOADED FIREARM TO ANYONE! If you transfer a firearm to another individual, it must be unloaded, clips or magazines removed, cylinders opened, and levers or actions open. If you are not actively shooting your firearm(s) or leaving them unattended, leave them in a safe condition.
3. Always keep firearms pointed safely downrange. Load only the firearm you are shooting. DO NOT leave additional firearms loaded on the benches. All uncased firearms stored on the rear benches must have the barrels pointed towards the parking lot.
4. Cleaning of firearms is allowed ONLY on the rear benches. You must clean the ground of all cleaning patches prior to returning to shooting.
5. NEVER step away from the shooting be nch while holding a loaded firearm.
6. If you must move about the range with your firearm, you must carry it unloaded, with the action or lever open, and the muzzle up unless cased.
7. The command "CEASE FIRE" means stop shooting IMMEDIATELY! There may be extenuating circumstances for a Cease Fire without our usual one minute warning. When "CEASE FIRE" is announced over the PA....STOP SHOOTING!
8. Fish and Game or any other appropriate law enforcement agencies will be called if any animal is shot on our property. All animals are protected by law. If you encounter a rattlesnake, do not attempt to kill or capture it. Notify a line officer or management.
9. During a CEASE FIRE, All shooters must unload their firearms, open actions or levers, and lay them on the benches with the muzzles pointed downrange. If the action will not remain open, an empty shell casing may be placed in the action in order to keep it open. Shooters must then move behind the yellow safety line and remain there until otherwise directed by a Line Officer. Shooters must inform a Line Officer if they plan to go out beyond the 100 yard berm on the long range rifle range. Shooters shall not climb the berms (hills behind the targets) and must instead walk around them.
10. Target frames can be placed to 300 yard line Monday thru Friday on the 600 yard range. Weekends and holiday week days are restricted to 200 yards or less. Do not place any pistol cardboard or PVC rifle frames on or against the front benches on both the 100 yard and 600 yard ranges. The minimum distance to place targets is 7 yards (21 ft). AT NO TIME ARE YOU ALLOWED TO GO PAST 300 YARDS. No objects may be placed on the wooden supports. Objects such as food, glass, bowling pins, CD's and cans are considered unauthorized targets and may NOT be used. DO NOT place rocks or wood on the supports of the PVC rifle targets if there are wind conditions. You may bring your own sand bags.
11. Black powder firearms MUST be loaded, at the rear benches only. Capping and/or priming MUST be done on the front benches only.
12. Handguns with a barrel length over 7 1/2" may be fired on the 600 yard range at any time.
13. Rapid fire is prohibited. Shooters must allow one (1) full second between shots. Shooters may do a "Double-tap" ( two shots in rapid succession) There is no cross firing (3 feet left or right) on the 100 yard range.
14. If a problem develops with a firearm, place it on the firing bench with the muzzle pointed safely down range. Open action if possible and immediately call a Line Officer for assistance. NEVER force ammunition into any firearm.
15. NEVER THROW LIVE ROUNDS DOWN RANGE!! If you must dispose of any live rounds, drop them in the AMMO TUBES which are located at the beginning of both the 100 and 600 yard ranges. You may also give them to any ASR employee for disposal.
16. Photographing shooters who are not part of your party IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED without their consent.
Member Reviews For This Range

Submitting member: None Given
Submitted on: April 16, 2014
Best outdoor range near LA and OC
This place has it all! Great place to go shooting, they multiple ranges, 600yd, 100yd, plinking, pistol, and clay.