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2019 Proposed Texas Legislation
add this member to your buddy list   send a PM to this member   Posted February 18th, 2019 03:49 pm

dc dalton

Posts: 705

This thread will be updated on a regular basis when new bills come in for Texas .

Note: We will only post legislation we feel is negative or positive, those new bills which don't actually effect your rights will not be included but you can always find them on the state legislation page.

To view proposed Texas legislation click here

HB1009 would make it a crime to carry on property owned by post-secondary schools

HB1126 would make businesses that allow concealed carry immune from civil liability

HB1143 would allow storage of firearms in vehicles on school property

HB1163 would allow local governments to regulate open carry

HB1164 would restrict carrying firearms from multiple public location types

HB1165 would create standards for no firearm signs

HB1166 would allow carrying on certain government properties

HB1167 would make it a crime to carry on school property and and all amusement parks

HB1169 would require all private firearm sales at gun shows go through a background check

HB1170 would prevent the state retirement fund from investing in firearm companies

HB1172 would outlaw 3D printed firearms

HB1173 would ban campus carry

HB1177 would add exemptions for carrying during a state of emergency

HB1207 is a lost or stolen bill

HB121 would create a defense from prosecution if a person is asked to leave the premises and immediately does so

HB131 would create extreme risk protection orders

HB1375 is a universal background check bill

HB1376 is a universal background check bill

HB143 would allow for secure storage of firearms at public building but it is not mandatory

HB1791 would disallow the prohibition of licensed persons carrying on property owned of leased by a government entity

HB195 would require all private firearms sales at gun shows to go through a background check

HB227 would exempt all firearms made and kept in the state from federal regulation

HB238 would prohibit state or local governments from assisting or accepting funds from the federal government to enforce federal laws deemed unconstitutional

HB302 would prohibit landlords from prohibiting firearms in rental units

HB349 would ban bump stocks and trigger activators

HB357 is a constitutional carry bill

HB38 is a 'ghost gun' bill

HB419 would remove the fee for a duplicate or renewed license to carry

HB516 would provide immunity from civil liability for businesses that allow concealed carry on their premises

HB734 would allow concealed carry at certain school meetings by providing a defense from prosecution

HB854 would add an exemption for making a firearm accessible to a child if the person has permission from the parent

HB95 would require gun dealers to report all failed background checks to the state

HCR65 is a resolution urging congress to pass a universal background check bill

HR216 is a resolution applauding moms demand action for their work

SB117 would prohibit carrying firearms on post-secondary school properties

SB157 would create extreme risk protection orders

SB378 would prohibit the use of state funds to enforce federal firearm laws

SB457 would create a tax free firearm sale day in August

SB472 would prohibit landlords from stopping tenants from owning firearms

SB506 would create exemptions for carrying during a state of emergency

SB715 would create a tax free firearm day in August

SB741 would prohibit property owners associations from prohibiting firearm ownership

  Posted February 18th, 2019 03:57 pm

Posts: 1,434

SB715 would create a tax free firearm day in August

HB1166 would allow carrying on certain government properties

HB357 is a constitutional carry bill

SB378 would prohibit the use of state funds to enforce federal firearm laws

SB117 would prohibit carrying firearms on post-secondary school properties

HB854 would add an exemption for making a firearm accessible to a child if the person has permission from the parent

HB1126 would make businesses that allow concealed carry immune from civil liability

HB1169 would require all private firearm sales at gun shows go through a background check

SB506 would create exemptions for carrying during a state of emergency

HB143 would allow for secure storage of firearms at public building but it is not mandatory

HB238 would prohibit state or local governments from assisting or accepting funds from the federal government to enforce federal laws deemed unconstitutional

HB1173 would ban campus carry

HB1177 would add exemptions for carrying during a state of emergency

SB457 would create a tax free firearm sale day in August

HR216 is a resolution applauding moms demand action for their work

HB1375 is a universal background check bill

HB419 would remove the fee for a duplicate or renewed license to carry

HB1165 would create standards for no firearm signs

HB1163 would allow local governments to regulate open carry

SB741 would prohibit property owners associations from prohibiting firearm ownership

HB1143 would allow storage of firearms in vehicles on school property

HB121 would create a defense from prosecution if a person is asked to leave the premises and immediately does so

HB349 would ban bump stocks and trigger activators

HB1164 would restrict carrying firearms from multiple public location types

HB516 would provide immunity from civil liability for businesses that allow concealed carry on their premises

HB302 would prohibit landlords from prohibiting firearms in rental units

HB1791 would disallow the prohibition of licensed persons carrying on property owned of leased by a government entity

SB472 would prohibit landlords from stopping tenants from owning firearms

HCR65 is a resolution urging congress to pass a universal background check bill

HB95 would require gun dealers to report all failed background checks to the state

HB734 would allow concealed carry at certain school meetings by providing a defense from prosecution

HB1172 would outlaw 3D printed firearms

HB38 is a 'ghost gun' bill

HB195 would require all private firearms sales at gun shows to go through a background check

HB227 would exempt all firearms made and kept in the state from federal regulation

HB131 would create extreme risk protection orders

SB157 would create extreme risk protection orders

HB1009 would make it a crime to carry on property owned by post-secondary schools

HB1167 would make it a crime to carry on school property and and all amusement parks

HB1376 is a universal background check bill

HB1207 is a lost or stolen bill

HB1170 would prevent the state retirement fund from investing in firearm companies

  Posted February 26th, 2019 03:16 pm

Posts: 1,434

SB1018 would require anyone convicted of 'family violence' or subject to a protection order to surrender their firearms

HB1959 would add private and parochial school to the list where people with a carry license can carry

HB2286 would remove suppressors from the prohibited weapons list

HB2046 would raise carry permit fees to $100 to fun a grant program that is aimed at one county in the state

SB1057 would make businesses who allow carry on their property immune from civil liability

  Posted March 4th, 2019 02:59 pm

Posts: 1,434

HCR88 is a resolution asking congress to pass stricter gun laws and a ban on 'assault weapons'

SB1172 would make it illegal to carry into any law enforcement building

HB2849 would impose an extra 1% tax on all firearms, ammunition and accessories to provide for mental health services

  Posted March 11th, 2019 11:29 am

Posts: 1,434

HB2964 would prohibit employment of an 'at risk' person in open-enrollment charter schools which includes carrying a firearm on school property

HB3016 would add an exception for carrying a holstered vehicle in a motor vehicle

HB3231 would strengthen preemption over local firearm laws

SB1555 would require authorization from the governing body of a school or other educational institutional to carry a firearm on their property

SB1704 would prohibit open enrollment charters schools from allowing employees to carry firearm

SB1691 would expedite and waive the fee for a carry license if the person applying is under the protection of a court order

HB3508 would turn the state into a 'may issue' state

HB3507 would require firearm loans at ranges go through a background check

HB3585 would remove delinquent on child support payments and delinquent on taxes from the dis-qualifiers for a carry license

SB19 would prevent condominium owners from prohibiting firearm ownership

SB1900 would explicitly state that persons with carry permits may enter property owned by a government entity

SB1927 would strengthen preemption over local governments regarding firearms

HB4021 would prohibit carry a firearm within 100 feet of a court or court facility

HB4041 would prohibit state official from assisting the federal government to enforce any new law that doesn't exist at the state level

SB2146 would allow carrying firearm on the campus of open enrollment charter school if you have a carry license

  Posted May 22nd, 2019 03:36 pm

Posts: 1,434

HR1048 would make April 2, 2019, as Texas Gun Sense Advocacy Day at the State Capitol

2019 Proposed Texas Legislation