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<p>HB1446 would require dealers to wait 10 days before transferring a firearm if NICS does not return a determination</p><p>HB1620 would add crimes to the list that prohibit a person from owning firearms to include non-felony crimes</p><p>HB748 would require firearms to be locked up when not in use if a minor or a prohibited person lives in the home</p><p>HB8 is a universal background check bill</p><p>HB825 would allocated 50 million dollars a year through 2027 for the CDC to research gun violence</p><p>HB880 would remove the exclusion of firearms from the consumer protection act</p><p>HB882 would make more people prohibited from owning firearms</p><p>HB933 would remove short barreled rifles from the national firearms act and would preempt states from imposing additional taxes on them and would require the FBI to destroy all existing records of current short barrelled rifle owners</p><p>HB988 would protect the second amendment rights of citizens carrying on federal water resource development projects</p><p>HR188 would waive all standard procedures and required committee hearings for HR1446 (universal background check bill)</p><p>SB281 would allocate 50 million dollars a year for the years 2022-2027 to the CDC to study gun violence</p><p>SB292 would create grants for states that enact extreme risk protection orders</p>