Proposed Illinois Firearm Legislation HB3189

Legislation Overview
Description: Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that a person commits the offense of unlawful use of weapons when he or she knowingly possesses, sells or offers to sell, purchases, manufactures, imports, transfers, or uses: (1) any manual, power-driven, or electronic device that is designed to and functions to increase the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm when the device is attached to the firearm; (2) any part of a semiautomatic firearm or combination of parts that is designed to and functions to increase the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm by eliminating the need for the operator of the firearm to make a separate movement for each individual function of the trigger; or (3) any other device, part, or combination of parts that is designed to and functions to substantially increase the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm above the standard rate of fire for semiautomatic firearms that is not equipped with that device, part, or combination of parts. This offense is a Class 2 felony. Provides for exemptions.
Session: 101st General Assembly
Last Action: Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Jonathan "Yoni" Pizer
Last Action Date: May 21, 2020
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
6 sponsors: Martin Moylan (D); Gregory Harris (D); Natalie Manley (D); Sonya Harper (D); Anna Moeller (D); Jonathan Pizer (D);
Percentage of House Of Representatives sponsoring bill: 5% (6 of 118)
Chamber | Date | Action |
House | May 21, 2020 | Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Jonathan "Yoni" Pizer |
House | Aug 29, 2019 | Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Anna Moeller |
House | Aug 28, 2019 | Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Sonya M. Harper |
House | May 21, 2019 | Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Natalie A. Manley |
House | Mar 29, 2019 | Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee |
House | Mar 5, 2019 | Assigned to Judiciary - Criminal Committee |
House | Mar 5, 2019 | Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Gregory Harris |
House | Feb 15, 2019 | Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Martin J. Moylan |
House | Feb 15, 2019 | Referred to Rules Committee |
House | Feb 15, 2019 | First Reading |
Type | Date | State Link | Text |
Introduced | Feb 15, 2019 | state link | bill text |
Title | Description | Date | State Link | Text | Adopted |
There are no amendments to this bill at this time |
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call
There have not been any votes on this bill
Link: link to state bill page