Proposed New Jersey Firearm Legislation
2012-2013 Session2014-2015 Session2016-2017 Session2018-2019 Session2020-2021 Session2022-2023 Session2024-2025 Session
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note: Legislation carries over from even-numbered years to odd-numbered years

Title: Urges Congress to enact certain gun control measures.
Description: Urges Congress to enact certain gun control measures.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Urges President and Congress of United States to enact legislation enforcing stricter firearms control measures.
Description: Urges President and Congress of United States to enact legislation enforcing stricter firearms control measures.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Clarifies that licensed dealers may provide firearms for display at fund raising events sponsored by certain tax exempt organizations.
Description: Clarifies that licensed dealers may provide firearms for display at fund raising events sponsored by certain tax exempt organizations.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Repeals certain restrictions on future retail sales of handguns.
Description: Repeals certain restrictions on future retail sales of handguns.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Designates June 21 of each year as "ASK Day" to promote children's health and gun safety.
Description: Designates June 21 of each year as "ASK Day" to promote children's health and gun safety.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: June 15, 2015

Title: Memorializes Congress and President of United States to enact H.R. 923, allowing reciprocity for carrying of certain concealed firearms.
Description: Memorializes Congress and President of United States to enact H.R. 923, allowing reciprocity for carrying of certain concealed firearms.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: May 7, 2015

Title: Disqualifies person named on federal Terrorist Watchlist from obtaining firearms identification card or permit to purchase handgun.
Description: Disqualifies person named on federal Terrorist Watchlist from obtaining firearms identification card or permit to purchase handgun.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Urges President and Congress to permit military personnel to carry loaded firearms at military facilities.
Description: Urges President and Congress to permit military personnel to carry loaded firearms at military facilities.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Military and Veterans' Affairs Committee
Last Action Date: December 3, 2015

Title: Permits certain holders of permits to carry a handgun to carry another licensee's handgun.
Description: Permits certain holders of permits to carry a handgun to carry another licensee's handgun.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Broadens municipal arson investigators' powers.
Description: Broadens municipal arson investigators' powers.
Last Action: Reported out of Assembly Committee, 2nd Reading
Last Action Date: June 12, 2014

Title: Clarifies that BB guns are not firearms under New Jersey law.
Description: Clarifies that BB guns are not firearms under New Jersey law.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Reduces lawful maximum capacity of certain ammunition magazines in New Jersey.
Description: Reduces lawful maximum capacity of certain ammunition magazines in New Jersey.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Establishes a ballistics identifier program for certain firearms.
Description: Establishes a ballistics identifier program for certain firearms.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Requires firearms to be unloaded and securely locked or stored within home.
Description: Requires firearms to be unloaded and securely locked or stored within home.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Requires firearms seizure when mental health professional determines patient poses threat of harm to self or others.
Description: Requires firearms seizure when mental health professional determines patient poses threat of harm to self or others.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Strengthens State's assault weapons ban.
Description: Strengthens State's assault weapons ban.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Disqualifies persons with three drunk driving or refusal convictions in five years from purchasing firearm.
Description: Disqualifies persons with three drunk driving or refusal convictions in five years from purchasing firearm.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Establishes "MarcAnthony's Law;" criminalizes use of defaced or stolen firearm to injure a police officer; enhances penalties for defacing a firearm.
Description: Establishes "MarcAnthony's Law;" criminalizes use of defaced or stolen firearm to injure a police officer; enhances penalties for defacing a firearm.
Last Action: Received in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: September 15, 2014

Title: Requires retired law enforcement officers to qualify in use of firearm once a year.
Description: Requires retired law enforcement officers to qualify in use of firearm once a year.
Last Action: Reported out of Assembly Committee, 2nd Reading
Last Action Date: March 16, 2015

Title: Requires mental health evaluation and list of household members with mental illness to purchase firearm.
Description: Requires mental health evaluation and list of household members with mental illness to purchase firearm.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Requires firearms endorsement on driver's license or non-driver identification card.
Description: Requires firearms endorsement on driver's license or non-driver identification card.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Requires breath or blood test in motor vehicle accidents involving pedestrians.
Description: Requires breath or blood test in motor vehicle accidents involving pedestrians.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Clarifies definition of reasonably necessary deviation when legally transporting firearm or weapon in motor vehicle.
Description: Clarifies definition of reasonably necessary deviation when legally transporting firearm or weapon in motor vehicle.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Revises qualifications for handgun permit, establishes crimes for certain handgun use; establishes annual fee of $100.
Description: Revises qualifications for handgun permit, establishes crimes for certain handgun use; establishes annual fee of $100.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Excludes .22 caliber tubular magazines from large capacity ammunition magazine definition.
Description: Excludes .22 caliber tubular magazines from large capacity ammunition magazine definition.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Clarifies that retention of unearned wages by a public servant is theft under certain circumstances.
Description: Clarifies that retention of unearned wages by a public servant is theft under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Judiciary Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Increases criminal penalties if leaving loaded firearm within easy access of minor results in injury or death.
Description: Increases criminal penalties if leaving loaded firearm within easy access of minor results in injury or death.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Permits certain officials to possess pepper spray in quantity carried by law enforcement officers.
Description: Permits certain officials to possess pepper spray in quantity carried by law enforcement officers.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Extends validity of certain retired law enforcement officers handgun carry permits from one to two years.
Description: Extends validity of certain retired law enforcement officers handgun carry permits from one to two years.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Prohibits possession of ammunition capable of penetrating body armor.
Description: Prohibits possession of ammunition capable of penetrating body armor.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Creates self-defense justification for victims of domestic violence.
Description: Creates self-defense justification for victims of domestic violence.
Last Action: Received in the Senate, Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee
Last Action Date: September 15, 2014

Title: Criminalizes purchase or possession of firearms ammunition by persons convicted of certain crimes.
Description: Criminalizes purchase or possession of firearms ammunition by persons convicted of certain crimes.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Provides that crime victims do not have to pay fees to obtain records relating to the crime and that requests for such records are not public information.*
Description: Provides that crime victims do not have to pay fees to obtain records relating to the crime and that requests for such records are not public information.*
Last Action: Approved P.L.2014, c.19.
Last Action Date: July 30, 2014

Title: Requires background check for private gun sales.
Description: Requires background check for private gun sales.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Permits municipalities to establish weapons free zones around schools and public facilities.
Description: Permits municipalities to establish weapons free zones around schools and public facilities.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: The "New Jersey Right to Home Defense Law."
Description: The "New Jersey Right to Home Defense Law."
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Permits licensed dealers to display and auction firearms at fund raising events sponsored by certain tax exempt organizations.
Description: Permits licensed dealers to display and auction firearms at fund raising events sponsored by certain tax exempt organizations.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Reduces maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds; exempts firearms with .22 caliber tubular magazines from 10 round limitation. *
Description: Reduces maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds; exempts firearms with .22 caliber tubular magazines from 10 round limitation. *
Last Action: Conditional Veto, Received in the Assembly
Last Action Date: July 11, 2014

Title: Revises statutes concerning firearms purchaser identification cards and handgun purchase permits; makes handgun purchase permit valid for four years.
Description: Revises statutes concerning firearms purchaser identification cards and handgun purchase permits; makes handgun purchase permit valid for four years.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Criminalizes purchasing or owning weapon if person has previous conviction of unlawful possession of weapon.
Description: Criminalizes purchasing or owning weapon if person has previous conviction of unlawful possession of weapon.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Requires State Police to produce brochure summarizing law governing transport and possession of firearms; requires MVC to make brochure available to new State residents registering vehicles.
Description: Requires State Police to produce brochure summarizing law governing transport and possession of firearms; requires MVC to make brochure available to new State residents registering vehicles.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Creates crime of intentional discharge of firearm from vehicle.
Description: Creates crime of intentional discharge of firearm from vehicle.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Authorizes issuance of duplicate firearms purchaser identification cards for change of address with certain proof.
Description: Authorizes issuance of duplicate firearms purchaser identification cards for change of address with certain proof.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Clarifies that handgun ammunition may be sold to retired law enforcement officers with certain identification.
Description: Clarifies that handgun ammunition may be sold to retired law enforcement officers with certain identification.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 16, 2014

Title: Provides law enforcement officers option to obtain handgun permit or firearms identification card from municipality where they are employed.
Description: Provides law enforcement officers option to obtain handgun permit or firearms identification card from municipality where they are employed.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 27, 2014

Title: Revises procedures for securing a permit to carry a handgun.
Description: Revises procedures for securing a permit to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: February 6, 2014

Title: Adds conviction of unlawfully possessing weapon to list of crimes that statutorily prohibits someone from buying or owning firearm.
Description: Adds conviction of unlawfully possessing weapon to list of crimes that statutorily prohibits someone from buying or owning firearm.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: February 6, 2014

Title: Authorizes retired law enforcement officers to provide security in public schools.
Description: Authorizes retired law enforcement officers to provide security in public schools.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Education Committee
Last Action Date: February 10, 2014

Title: Defines reasonable deviations in the course of transporting firearms.
Description: Defines reasonable deviations in the course of transporting firearms.
Last Action: Received in the Assembly, 2nd Reading on Concurrence
Last Action Date: May 15, 2014

Title: Eliminates prohibition against purchasing more than one handgun in calendar month.
Description: Eliminates prohibition against purchasing more than one handgun in calendar month.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: March 10, 2014

Title: Establishes various good governance requirements at certain bi-state authorities.
Description: Establishes various good governance requirements at certain bi-state authorities.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee
Last Action Date: March 10, 2014

Title: Requires Attorney General to establish Statewide gun buyback program.
Description: Requires Attorney General to establish Statewide gun buyback program.
Last Action: Referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee
Last Action Date: December 14, 2015

Title: Increases campus security by allowing institutions of higher education to offer partial tuition credit to police officers enrolled at the institution who agree to be on duty while attending classes.
Description: Increases campus security by allowing institutions of higher education to offer partial tuition credit to police officers enrolled at the institution who agree to be on duty while attending classes.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Higher Education Committee
Last Action Date: March 24, 2014

Title: Allows county sheriffs to issue firearms identification cards and permits to purchase handguns; authorizes county sheriffs to accept applications for permits to carry handguns.
Description: Allows county sheriffs to issue firearms identification cards and permits to purchase handguns; authorizes county sheriffs to accept applications for permits to carry handguns.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: May 8, 2014

Title: Authorizes chiefs of part-time municipal police forces to issue firearms ID cards and handgun purchase permits.
Description: Authorizes chiefs of part-time municipal police forces to issue firearms ID cards and handgun purchase permits.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: May 8, 2014

Title: Clarifies that law enforcement officers may possess firearms in casinos.
Description: Clarifies that law enforcement officers may possess firearms in casinos.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: May 22, 2014

Title: Amends and repeals certain parts of New Jersey firearm statutes.
Description: Amends and repeals certain parts of New Jersey firearm statutes.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: June 5, 2014

Title: Permits certain retired law enforcement officers to possess hollow nose ammunition.
Description: Permits certain retired law enforcement officers to possess hollow nose ammunition.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: June 5, 2014

Title: Directs Attorney General to establish a criminal firearms recovery clearing house.
Description: Directs Attorney General to establish a criminal firearms recovery clearing house.
Last Action: Received in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: June 29, 2015

Title: Authorizes gun violence restraining orders and firearm seizure warrants.
Description: Authorizes gun violence restraining orders and firearm seizure warrants.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: June 9, 2014

Title: Prohibits release of home addresses of certain public safety employees by governmental entities.
Description: Prohibits release of home addresses of certain public safety employees by governmental entities.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Judiciary Committee
Last Action Date: June 23, 2014

Title: Authorizes certain law enforcement officers and corrections officers to possess and use stun guns while on duty.
Description: Authorizes certain law enforcement officers and corrections officers to possess and use stun guns while on duty.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: June 26, 2014

Title: Authorizes mayors to veto proposed actions of municipal authorities.
Description: Authorizes mayors to veto proposed actions of municipal authorities.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee
Last Action Date: September 11, 2014

Title: Requires notification of local law enforcement prior to expungement of certain mental health records of prospective firearms purchasers.
Description: Requires notification of local law enforcement prior to expungement of certain mental health records of prospective firearms purchasers.
Last Action: Substituted by S2360
Last Action Date: June 11, 2015

Title: Establishes the "Mental Health Treatment Reform and Violence Prevention Act."
Description: Establishes the "Mental Health Treatment Reform and Violence Prevention Act."
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Human Services Committee
Last Action Date: September 11, 2014

Title: Provides courts with sentencing discretion for certain convictions concerning possession of a firearm.
Description: Provides courts with sentencing discretion for certain convictions concerning possession of a firearm.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: September 11, 2014

Title: Establishes a joint legislative and executive branch New Jersey Revenue Advisory Board to provide consensus revenue forecasting advice for State budget purposes.
Description: Establishes a joint legislative and executive branch New Jersey Revenue Advisory Board to provide consensus revenue forecasting advice for State budget purposes.
Last Action: Reported out of Assembly Committee, 2nd Reading
Last Action Date: December 11, 2014

Title: Removes prohibition on possession of stun guns.
Description: Removes prohibition on possession of stun guns.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: September 15, 2014

Title: Concerns government records requests for communications covered by attorney-client privilege.
Description: Concerns government records requests for communications covered by attorney-client privilege.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Judiciary Committee
Last Action Date: September 18, 2014

Title: Grants full police status to special agents in the Department of Treasury; authorizes special agents to carry firearms at all times.
Description: Grants full police status to special agents in the Department of Treasury; authorizes special agents to carry firearms at all times.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: September 18, 2014

Title: Prohibits investment by State of pension and annuity funds in companies manufacturing, importing, and selling assault firearms for civilian use.
Description: Prohibits investment by State of pension and annuity funds in companies manufacturing, importing, and selling assault firearms for civilian use.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee
Last Action Date: September 18, 2014

Title: Requires successful completion of firearms education program to obtain initial firearms purchaser identification card and permit to purchase a handgun.
Description: Requires successful completion of firearms education program to obtain initial firearms purchaser identification card and permit to purchase a handgun.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: October 2, 2014

Title: Transfers Division of Parole in State Parole Board to Department of Corrections.
Description: Transfers Division of Parole in State Parole Board to Department of Corrections.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: October 2, 2014

Title: Permits municipality to enact ordinance allowing voluntary registration of private outdoor video surveillance cameras.*
Description: Permits municipality to enact ordinance allowing voluntary registration of private outdoor video surveillance cameras.*
Last Action: Approved P.L.2015, c.142.
Last Action Date: November 9, 2015

Title: Reforms PANYNJ.
Description: Reforms PANYNJ.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee
Last Action Date: October 27, 2014

Title: Revises procedures for securing a permit to carry a handgun.
Description: Revises procedures for securing a permit to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: December 4, 2014

Title: Requires State to recognize permits to carry handguns issued to certain New Jersey residents by other states.
Description: Requires State to recognize permits to carry handguns issued to certain New Jersey residents by other states.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 12, 2015

Title: Requires public agency responding to record request to redact information contained in accident report, except for drivers' names and diagram of accident.
Description: Requires public agency responding to record request to redact information contained in accident report, except for drivers' names and diagram of accident.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee
Last Action Date: February 5, 2015

Title: Prohibits firearm possession by persons convicted of carjacking, gang criminality, racketeering and terroristic threats.
Description: Prohibits firearm possession by persons convicted of carjacking, gang criminality, racketeering and terroristic threats.
Last Action: Passed Senate (Passed Both Houses) (37-0)
Last Action Date: January 11, 2016

Title: Revises certain laws concerning domestic violence and firearms.
Description: Revises certain laws concerning domestic violence and firearms.
Last Action: Lost in the Assembly CVOR (49-29) (Mosquera)
Last Action Date: December 17, 2015

Title: Revises definition of "antique firearm" to include handguns.
Description: Revises definition of "antique firearm" to include handguns.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: February 24, 2015

Title: Clarifies that chief of police or Superintendent of State Police has burden of proving applicant's disqualification for permit to purchase handgun or firearms purchaser identification card.
Description: Clarifies that chief of police or Superintendent of State Police has burden of proving applicant's disqualification for permit to purchase handgun or firearms purchaser identification card.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: March 2, 2015

Title: Establishes "gun-free" and "weapon free" zones around certain school and public properties.
Description: Establishes "gun-free" and "weapon free" zones around certain school and public properties.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: March 16, 2015

Title: Requires criminal history record background check for rifle and shotgun purchases.
Description: Requires criminal history record background check for rifle and shotgun purchases.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: May 7, 2015

Title: Decriminalizes manufacture and certain possession of slingshots.
Description: Decriminalizes manufacture and certain possession of slingshots.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: May 11, 2015

Title: Permits local units to adopt single resolution for acquisition of certain surplus federal property, and to do so in closed session.
Description: Permits local units to adopt single resolution for acquisition of certain surplus federal property, and to do so in closed session.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly State and Local Government Committee
Last Action Date: June 1, 2015

Title: Revises definition of "antique handgun;" provides exceptions to certain firearm laws.
Description: Revises definition of "antique handgun;" provides exceptions to certain firearm laws.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: June 15, 2015

Title: Upgrades theft of a firearm to a crime of the second degree.
Description: Upgrades theft of a firearm to a crime of the second degree.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 6, 2014

Title: Revises court filing fees, assessments, penalties, fines, and certain firearms licensing fees to fund Pretrial Services Program, e-court information system and Legal Services of New Jersey; repeals certain statutory provisions concerning court fees.
Description: Revises court filing fees, assessments, penalties, fines, and certain firearms licensing fees to fund Pretrial Services Program, e-court information system and Legal Services of New Jersey; repeals certain statutory provisions concerning court fees.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Judiciary Committee
Last Action Date: June 22, 2015

Title: Gives priority to applicants for firearms purchaser identification card and permits to purchase handguns when domestic violence restraining order is in effect.
Description: Gives priority to applicants for firearms purchaser identification card and permits to purchase handguns when domestic violence restraining order is in effect.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: June 29, 2015

Title: Requires firearm retailers to sell personalized handguns.
Description: Requires firearm retailers to sell personalized handguns.
Last Action: Substituted by S3249
Last Action Date: January 11, 2016

Title: Permits municipalities to enact ordinance prohibiting operation of drones under certain circumstances.
Description: Permits municipalities to enact ordinance prohibiting operation of drones under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee
Last Action Date: December 3, 2015

Title: Prioritizes application for firearms purchaser identification cards, permits to purchase a handgun, and permits to carry a handgun under certain circumstances.
Description: Prioritizes application for firearms purchaser identification cards, permits to purchase a handgun, and permits to carry a handgun under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: December 3, 2015

Title: Permits Adjutant General to authorize members of NJ National Guard to carry firearm at recruiting centers.
Description: Permits Adjutant General to authorize members of NJ National Guard to carry firearm at recruiting centers.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Military and Veterans' Affairs Committee
Last Action Date: December 3, 2015

Title: Makes reforms to mental health treatment; clarifies law governing purchase of firearms by persons with history of mental illness.
Description: Makes reforms to mental health treatment; clarifies law governing purchase of firearms by persons with history of mental illness.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: December 3, 2015

Title: Prohibits sale of certain toy guns and imitation firearms.
Description: Prohibits sale of certain toy guns and imitation firearms.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: December 10, 2015

Title: Permits individuals to possess pepper spray in larger quantities for purpose of repelling aggressive bears.
Description: Permits individuals to possess pepper spray in larger quantities for purpose of repelling aggressive bears.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: December 10, 2015

Title: Provides for notice to schools of court-ordered domestic violence restraints restricting contact in schools; increases penalty for violation of such orders.
Description: Provides for notice to schools of court-ordered domestic violence restraints restricting contact in schools; increases penalty for violation of such orders.
Last Action: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Judiciary Committee
Last Action Date: December 21, 2015

Title: Adds conviction of unlawfully possessing weapon to list of crimes that statutorily prohibits someone from buying or owning firearm.
Description: Adds conviction of unlawfully possessing weapon to list of crimes that statutorily prohibits someone from buying or owning firearm.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Establishes penalty for failing to report unintentional discharge of firearm in private residence.
Description: Establishes penalty for failing to report unintentional discharge of firearm in private residence.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Provides two-year window for persons to transfer, render inoperable or surrender assault firearm.
Description: Provides two-year window for persons to transfer, render inoperable or surrender assault firearm.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Revises statutes concerning firearms purchaser identification cards and handgun purchase permits; makes handgun purchase permit valid for four years.
Description: Revises statutes concerning firearms purchaser identification cards and handgun purchase permits; makes handgun purchase permit valid for four years.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Revises qualifications for handgun permit, establishes crimes for certain handgun use; establishes annual fee of $100.
Description: Revises qualifications for handgun permit, establishes crimes for certain handgun use; establishes annual fee of $100.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Clarifies definition of reasonably necessary deviation when legally transporting firearm or weapon in motor vehicle.
Description: Clarifies definition of reasonably necessary deviation when legally transporting firearm or weapon in motor vehicle.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Excludes .22 caliber tubular magazines from large capacity ammunition magazine definition.
Description: Excludes .22 caliber tubular magazines from large capacity ammunition magazine definition.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Expands jurisdiction of municipal arson investigators.
Description: Expands jurisdiction of municipal arson investigators.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Broadens municipal arson investigators' powers.
Description: Broadens municipal arson investigators' powers.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Prohibits possession of ammunition capable of penetrating body armor.
Description: Prohibits possession of ammunition capable of penetrating body armor.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Establishes "MarcAnthony's Law;" criminalizes use of defaced or stolen firearm to injure a police officer; enhances penalties for defacing a firearm.
Description: Establishes "MarcAnthony's Law;" criminalizes use of defaced or stolen firearm to injure a police officer; enhances penalties for defacing a firearm.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Increases criminal penalties if leaving loaded firearm within easy access of minor results in injury or death.
Description: Increases criminal penalties if leaving loaded firearm within easy access of minor results in injury or death.
Last Action: Received in the Assembly, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: September 22, 2014

Title: Prohibits investment by State of pension and annuity funds in companies manufacturing, importing, and selling assault firearms for civilian use.
Description: Prohibits investment by State of pension and annuity funds in companies manufacturing, importing, and selling assault firearms for civilian use.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Preservation Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Establishes a regulatory program for rifle and shotgun ammunition sales.
Description: Establishes a regulatory program for rifle and shotgun ammunition sales.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Strengthens State's assault weapons ban.
Description: Strengthens State's assault weapons ban.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Prohibits investment by State of pension and annuity funds in companies manufacturing, importing, and selling assault firearms for civilian use.
Description: Prohibits investment by State of pension and annuity funds in companies manufacturing, importing, and selling assault firearms for civilian use.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Preservation Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Reduces lawful maximum capacity of certain ammunition magazines in New Jersey.
Description: Reduces lawful maximum capacity of certain ammunition magazines in New Jersey.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Authorizes chiefs of part-time municipal police forces to issue firearms ID cards and handgun purchase permits.
Description: Authorizes chiefs of part-time municipal police forces to issue firearms ID cards and handgun purchase permits.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Revises definition of destructive device to include certain weapons of 50 caliber or greater.
Description: Revises definition of destructive device to include certain weapons of 50 caliber or greater.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: The "New Jersey Right to Home Defense Law."
Description: The "New Jersey Right to Home Defense Law."
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 14, 2014

Title: Reduces maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds.
Description: Reduces maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds.
Last Action: Substituted by A2006 (2R)
Last Action Date: May 12, 2014

Title: Establishes 80 as maximum age for issuing special handgun carry permits to retired police officers.
Description: Establishes 80 as maximum age for issuing special handgun carry permits to retired police officers.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 30, 2014

Title: Allows county sheriffs to issue firearms identification cards and permits to purchase handguns; authorizes county sheriffs to accept applications for permits to carry handguns.
Description: Allows county sheriffs to issue firearms identification cards and permits to purchase handguns; authorizes county sheriffs to accept applications for permits to carry handguns.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 30, 2014

Title: Prohibits sale and possession of undetectable firearms manufactured using three dimensional printing technology.
Description: Prohibits sale and possession of undetectable firearms manufactured using three dimensional printing technology.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: January 30, 2014

Title: Prohibits plea bargaining and eliminates sentence reduction in weapons cases involving minors.
Description: Prohibits plea bargaining and eliminates sentence reduction in weapons cases involving minors.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee
Last Action Date: February 25, 2014

Title: Directs Attorney General to establish a criminal firearms recovery clearing house.
Description: Directs Attorney General to establish a criminal firearms recovery clearing house.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: February 25, 2014

Title: Revises procedures for securing a permit to carry a handgun.
Description: Revises procedures for securing a permit to carry a handgun.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: February 25, 2014

Title: Permits certain retired law enforcement officers to possess hollow nose ammunition.
Description: Permits certain retired law enforcement officers to possess hollow nose ammunition.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: February 27, 2014

Title: Authorizes certain law enforcement officers and corrections officers to possess and use stun guns while on duty.
Description: Authorizes certain law enforcement officers and corrections officers to possess and use stun guns while on duty.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: February 27, 2014

Title: Upgrades penalty for unlawful possession of certain firearms on grounds of an educational institution.
Description: Upgrades penalty for unlawful possession of certain firearms on grounds of an educational institution.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: March 17, 2014

Title: Provides that possession of air or spring gun for an unlawful purpose is a crime of the third degree.
Description: Provides that possession of air or spring gun for an unlawful purpose is a crime of the third degree.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: March 17, 2014

Title: Permits pharmacist to substitute biosimilar biological product under certain circumstances.
Description: Permits pharmacist to substitute biosimilar biological product under certain circumstances.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee
Last Action Date: March 17, 2014

Title: Creates self-defense justification for victims of domestic violence.
Description: Creates self-defense justification for victims of domestic violence.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee
Last Action Date: April 28, 2014

Title: Requires AG to notify certain legislators of decision not to defend validity of challenged State statute in court.
Description: Requires AG to notify certain legislators of decision not to defend validity of challenged State statute in court.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: April 28, 2014

Title: Establishes "gun-free" and "weapon free" zones around certain school and public properties.
Description: Establishes "gun-free" and "weapon free" zones around certain school and public properties.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: April 28, 2014

Title: Regulates sale and transfer of rifle and shotgun ammunition.
Description: Regulates sale and transfer of rifle and shotgun ammunition.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: April 28, 2014

Title: Prohibits firearm possession by persons convicted of carjacking, gang criminality, racketeering and terroristic threats.
Description: Prohibits firearm possession by persons convicted of carjacking, gang criminality, racketeering and terroristic threats.
Last Action: Substituted by A4182
Last Action Date: January 11, 2016

Title: Changes law governing certain certified animal control officers.*
Description: Changes law governing certain certified animal control officers.*
Last Action: Reported from Senate Committee with Amendments, 2nd Reading
Last Action Date: October 19, 2015

Title: Authorizes gun violence restraining orders and firearm seizure warrants.
Description: Authorizes gun violence restraining orders and firearm seizure warrants.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: June 9, 2014

Title: Establishes various good governance requirements at certain bi-state authorities.
Description: Establishes various good governance requirements at certain bi-state authorities.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Preservation Committee
Last Action Date: June 16, 2014

Title: Prohibits release of home addresses of certain public safety employees by governmental entities.
Description: Prohibits release of home addresses of certain public safety employees by governmental entities.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee
Last Action Date: August 11, 2014

Title: Permits municipalities to establish weapons free zones around schools and public facilities.
Description: Permits municipalities to establish weapons free zones around schools and public facilities.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: August 11, 2014

Title: Requires successful completion of firearms education program to obtain initial firearms purchaser identification card and permit to purchase a handgun.
Description: Requires successful completion of firearms education program to obtain initial firearms purchaser identification card and permit to purchase a handgun.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: September 15, 2014

Title: Requires notification of local law enforcement prior to expungement of certain mental health records of prospective firearms purchasers.
Description: Requires notification of local law enforcement prior to expungement of certain mental health records of prospective firearms purchasers.
Last Action: Motion To Table (47-31-0) (Greenwald)
Last Action Date: December 3, 2015

Title: Increases statute of limitations for prosecution of theft of firearm.
Description: Increases statute of limitations for prosecution of theft of firearm.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: September 18, 2014

Title: Provides courts with sentencing discretion for certain convictions concerning possession of a firearm.
Description: Provides courts with sentencing discretion for certain convictions concerning possession of a firearm.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: October 9, 2014

Title: Establishes the "Mental Health Treatment Reform and Violence Prevention Act."
Description: Establishes the "Mental Health Treatment Reform and Violence Prevention Act."
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee
Last Action Date: October 23, 2014

Title: Provides court with sentencing discretion in certain cases under the "Graves Act."
Description: Provides court with sentencing discretion in certain cases under the "Graves Act."
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: December 8, 2014

Title: Removes prohibition on possession of stun guns.
Description: Removes prohibition on possession of stun guns.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: December 11, 2014

Title: Regulates sale of arrowhead ammunition.
Description: Regulates sale of arrowhead ammunition.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: December 11, 2014

Title: Shortens waiting periods for expungement of criminal and other records and information; makes various changes to other expungement procedures and requirements.*
Description: Shortens waiting periods for expungement of criminal and other records and information; makes various changes to other expungement procedures and requirements.*
Last Action: Substituted by A206 (ACS/3R)
Last Action Date: September 24, 2015

Title: Requires Attorney General to establish Statewide gun buyback program.
Description: Requires Attorney General to establish Statewide gun buyback program.
Last Action: Referred to Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee
Last Action Date: December 14, 2015

Title: Requires criminal history record background check for rifle and shotgun purchases.
Description: Requires criminal history record background check for rifle and shotgun purchases.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: March 9, 2015

Title: Revises certain laws concerning domestic violence and firearms.
Description: Revises certain laws concerning domestic violence and firearms.
Last Action: Substituted by A4218 (2R)
Last Action Date: June 25, 2015

Title: Gives priority to applicants for firearms purchaser identification card and permits to purchase handguns when domestic violence restraining order is in effect.
Description: Gives priority to applicants for firearms purchaser identification card and permits to purchase handguns when domestic violence restraining order is in effect.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: June 29, 2015

Title: Requires psychological examination of person charged with unlawful possession of firearms and other weapons in certain circumstances.
Description: Requires psychological examination of person charged with unlawful possession of firearms and other weapons in certain circumstances.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Law and Public Safety Committee
Last Action Date: September 24, 2015

Title: Makes reforms to mental health treatment; clarifies law governing purchase of firearms by persons with history of mental illness.
Description: Makes reforms to mental health treatment; clarifies law governing purchase of firearms by persons with history of mental illness.
Last Action: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee
Last Action Date: October 22, 2015

Title: Requires firearm retailers to sell personalized handguns.
Description: Requires firearm retailers to sell personalized handguns.
Last Action: Passed Assembly (Passed Both Houses) (43-30-1)
Last Action Date: January 11, 2016