Proposed Ohio Firearm Legislation SB3

Legislation Overview
Title: Express intent to reform drug sentencing laws
Subject: Courts and Civil Law : Courts: Crimes, Corrections, and Law Enforcement : Crime and Punishment: Crimes, Corrections, and Law Enforcement : Law Enforcement
Description: To amend sections 109.572, 128.04, 177.01, 1901.186, 1901.20, 1901.261, 1907.02, 1907.261, 2152.021, 2152.18, 2743.60, 2901.13, 2921.45, 2923.01, 2923.02, 2923.13, 2923.241, 2923.31, 2923.41, 2925.01, 2925.02, 2925.03, 2925.04, 2925.041, 2925.05, 2925.06, 2925.11, 2925.12, 2925.13, 2925.14, 2925.141, 2925.22, 2925.23, 2925.36, 2925.37, 2925.38, 2925.42, 2925.51, 2927.21, 2929.01, 2929.13, 2929.14, 2929.141, 2929.141, 2929.15, 2929.17, 2929.18, 2929.21, 2929.25, 2929.26, 2929.34, 2931.03, 2933.51, 2935.36, 2941.1410, 2945.71, 2949.12, 2951.041, 2953.31, 2953.32, 2953.52, 2967.18, 2967.19, 2967.28, 2981.01, 3301.32, 3301.541, 3313.662, 3319.31, 3319.39, 3712.09, 3719.013, 3719.21, 3719.99, 3721.121, 3734.44, 3767.01, 4112.02, 4510.17, 4729.99, 4742.03, 5103.0319, 5119.36, 5119.37, 5119.93, 5119.94, 5120.16, 5120.53, 5149.38, 5153.111, and 5502.13 and to enact sections 109.749, 181.27, 2152.75, 2901.10, 2925.031, 2925.032, 2925.111, and 2925.112 of the Revised Code to modify the controlled substance possession and trafficking prohibitions and penalties, modify the drug and alcohol abuse civil commitment mechanism, require the State Criminal Sentencing Commission to study the impact of those changes, and prohibit restraining or confining a woman or child who is a charged, convicted, or adjudicated criminal offender or delinquent child at certain points during pregnancy or postpartum recovery.
Session: 133rd General Assembly
Last Action: Reported - Substitute: Criminal Justice
Last Action Date: December 17, 2020
Note: the first sponsor listed is normally the primary sponsor. If a sponsor's name is a hyperlink you can click on it to 'follow the money'.
23 sponsors: John Eklund (R); Tavia Galonski (D); George Lang (R); David Leland (D); Thomas West (D); Louis Blessing (R); Andrew Brenner (R); Dave Burke (R); William Coley (R); Hearcel Craig (D); Matthew Dolan (R); Robert Hackett (R); Jay Hottinger (R); Stephanie Kunze (R); Peggy Lehner (R); Nathan Manning (R); Robert McColley (R); Larry Obhof (R); Vernon Sykes (D); Cecil Thomas (D); Sandra Williams (D); Steve Wilson (R); Kenny Yuko (D);
Percentage of Senate sponsoring bill: 70% (23 of 33)
Chamber | Date | Action |
House | Dec 17, 2020 | Reported - Substitute: Criminal Justice |
House | Aug 31, 2020 | Refer to Committee: Criminal Justice |
House | Jul 7, 2020 | Introduced |
Senate | Jun 30, 2020 | Passed |
Senate | Jun 30, 2020 | Reported - Substitute: Judiciary |
Senate | Feb 13, 2019 | Refer to Committee: Judiciary |
Senate | Feb 12, 2019 | Introduced |
Type | Date | State Link | Text |
Comm Sub | Dec 18, 2020 | state link | bill text |
Engrossed | Jun 30, 2020 | state link | bill text |
Comm Sub | Jun 30, 2020 | state link | bill text |
Introduced | Feb 12, 2019 | state link | bill text |
Title | Description | Date | State Link | Text | Adopted |
There are no amendments to this bill at this time |
Votes - Click on description to view vote roll call
Description | Vote Date | Yea Votes | Nay Votes | No Votes | Absent | Passed |
Senate Favorable Passage | 06/30/2020 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Yes |
resort votes by: party yeas nays name | ||||||
Senate Passed | 06/30/2020 | 25 | 4 | 0 | 0 | Yes |
resort votes by: party yeas nays name | ||||||
House Favorable Passage | 12/17/2020 | 7 | 3 | 0 | 0 | Yes |
resort votes by: party yeas nays name |
Link: link to state bill page