House File 621 - Introduced HOUSE FILE 621 BY WINDSCHITL , FETT , and GEARHART A BILL FOR An Act relating to firearms on school property, and including 1 effective date provisions. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 TLSB 1983YH (7) 91 sb/js
H.F. 621 Section 1. NEW SECTION . 285.17 Weapons in school vehicles 1 transporting pupils. 2 When transportation is provided pursuant to this chapter, 3 a driver shall not permit firearms or other weapons, nor 4 ammunition, to be carried in the passenger compartment of any 5 school vehicle transporting pupils except when the school 6 district or nonpublic school authorizes or directs a person 7 to carry, transport, or possess a firearm, other weapon, or 8 ammunition in the school vehicle. 9 Sec. 2. Section 724.4B, subsection 2, Code 2025, is amended 10 by adding the following new paragraphs: 11 NEW PARAGRAPH . i. A person, whether a driver or passenger 12 and including a person authorized or directed pursuant to 13 section 285.17, while the person is dropping off or picking 14 up from a school a student, staff member, or other person 15 having business at the school, or while the person is making 16 a delivery or pickup at a school, who has in the person’s 17 possession a valid permit to carry weapons issued pursuant 18 to section 724.7, while going armed with, carrying, or 19 transporting a concealed pistol or revolver if the concealed 20 pistol or revolver remains in the vehicle and the vehicle 21 remains on the portion of the grounds of the school that 22 comprises its driveways and parking areas. The vehicle shall 23 be locked when unattended. 24 NEW PARAGRAPH . j. A person retired under chapter 97A 25 or 411, or section 97B.49B or 97B.49C, after service as a 26 peace officer who retired in good standing, who maintains 27 certification, and who, during the most recent twelve-month 28 period, has met the standards for qualifications in firearm 29 safety training determined by the state agency or political 30 subdivision that the person formerly served. 31 Sec. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act, being deemed of immediate 32 importance, takes effect upon enactment. 33 EXPLANATION 34 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 35 -1- LSB 1983YH (7) 91 sb/js 1/ 2
H.F. 621 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 1 This bill relates to firearms on school property. 2 Under current administrative rules, the driver of a school 3 vehicle transporting pupils shall not permit firearms or 4 other weapons, nor ammunition, to be carried in the passenger 5 compartment. The bill allows a school district or nonpublic 6 school to authorize or direct a person to carry, transport, 7 or possess a firearm, other weapon, or ammunition in a school 8 vehicle. 9 Current law generally prohibits a person from going 10 armed with, carrying, or transporting a firearm of any kind, 11 whether concealed or not, on the grounds of a school. The 12 bill authorizes a person, whether a driver or passenger and 13 including a person authorized or directed pursuant to the bill, 14 while the person is dropping off or picking up from a school a 15 student, staff member, or other person having business at the 16 school, or while the person is making a delivery or pickup at a 17 school, who has in the person’s possession a valid permit to 18 carry weapons to go armed with, carry, or transport a concealed 19 pistol or revolver on school grounds if the concealed pistol 20 or revolver remains in the vehicle and the vehicle remains on 21 the portion of the grounds of the school that comprises its 22 driveways and parking areas. The vehicle shall be locked when 23 unattended. The bill also authorizes a retired peace officer 24 to go armed with, carry, or transport a firearm on the grounds 25 of a school if the retired peace officer retired in good 26 standing, maintains certification, and, during the most recent 27 12-month period, has met the standards for qualifications in 28 firearm safety training determined by the state agency or 29 political subdivision that the individual formerly served. 30 The bill takes effect upon enactment. 31 -2- LSB 1983YH (7) 91 sb/js 2/ 2